The Berlin show begins on Saturday--I'll post complete bike photos then. In the meantime, here are a few more shots of the process--primarily paint work now.
I don't want to share some of the design aspects until the bike is at the show. Then, given time, I'll post more information about behind the scenes on the Berlin Bike.
We had a large group of Seveneers working on this project, including: Matt O., Staci, Yoshi, Skip, Tim, Stef, Mike S., Karl, Graham, Neil, and some others that helped out in various ways. This was truly a group project in every sense. Thanks to everyone that helpled make this project happen. It was better because of everyone's involvement and teamwork.
And a special thanks to Jim at Harris Cyclery, who built the wheels for the bike. They are crazy--the wheels, I mean.
Following are a few of the paint textual templates we used for the bike.
Staci's method for determing which color goes where on the fender.
Berlin skyline study. This was our first effort and the skyline; we ran a few tests to determine the right size. We ended up using multiple sizes.
Staci being very patient with the details of each building. And probably cursing the moment she agreed to work on this bike.
Staci's very steady hand. Trying to make her nervous by getting the camera too close.
Yoshi painted the frame and fork. Many subtle details and a few layers. Here he is applying a decal in one orientation, over a "decal" that's at a different orientation--"Seven" overlaid on "Berlin". We wanted Berlin and Seven to feel intertwined and inseperable--both in the decaling and in the feel of the project.
Here is the "logo" for the project: combining Seven and the big "B". Simple but effective internally for those working on the project.
The final steps tomorrow--the day before the show.